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Reviews » Power Net Global long distance

Power Net Global, also known as PNG Communications was founded in 1992 by Bernie Stevens, an experienced telecom professional. The company is headquartered in Cincinnati, OH and has offices in other big cities such as New York or Chicago. Power Net Global is an integrated provider of communications services: 1+ long distance, toll free service, dial up Internet access, dial around solutions, local phone plans, and more.

Although not the cheapest, PNG rates are affordable and the company is well known for the quality of their products and very good support. We have dealt with Power Net Global for quite a few years and, when required an opinion on their services 3 things come to mind: support, quality, reliability. One other thing our customers like about PNG is the large selection of products offered and the possibility of getting billed once for all services. We highly recommend this company.

Service highlights:


From 3.9 cents per minute interstate rate, low instate and international rates.

Billing increments

PNG offers 3 rate plans, each having different billing increments - see the links below for more info.

Other fees

$2.50 monthly fee for usage under $15 per month; if you choose the 4.5 plan the fee will be waived.

Toll free service

Available, same rates apply; $2.99 monthly fee per toll free number.


100 free minutes with signup.

Additional services available

Calling card, dial around service, local phone service in some areas, stand alone toll free, dial up internet, all billed on the same account.

PNG customer reviews